Words & pictures


March 14, 2020

Services Cancelled

Dear Friends, I want to inform you that this afternoon, the deacons and myself have decided to heed the recommendation of our Governor to temporarily cease our public gatherings. We...
January 13, 2019

A Prayer of Confession

Pastor Stertz mentioned the prayer confession offered in “The Book of Common Prayer” during Sunday’s Sermon. Here it is: “Almighty and most merciful Father, we have erred and strayed from...
September 26, 2018

On Church Attendance

Whenever a pastor preaches, teaches, or writes on the subject of church attendance, two responses can leap into the forefront of some people’s  minds. One, “He must be really upset...
November 9, 2017

They Said It Wasn’t Religious

Last month I listened to an episode of EconTalk, a podcast I regularly tune into that deals with the subject of Economics. I highly recommend the podcast if you want...
November 9, 2016

Quick Thoughts on Divorce and Children

Divorce continues to wreak havoc to our American society. As a pastor, I have heard this statement numerous times from people who are considering divorce: “it is best for the kids...
May 4, 2016

God’s Sovereignty and the Political Blues

Most conservative, American Christians have voted Republican over the last several decades: this is not a secret. As a conservative, American Christian I have done the same. Though I have...
April 8, 2016

Plain and Ordinary

I am so glad that God uses ordinary things to produce extraordinary results. This afternoon, I am preparing to teach the children of Sunrise Bible Church a lesson on how...
July 8, 2015

The Horror of No Hope

I fell for it: click bait. I moved over to a major news outlet’s website and scanned the headlines to see the news for the day. There I found this...
March 11, 2015

Dangerous Loves

I love sports. I love competition. But loves are dangerous things. Loves can be misplaced and misused. Grant Wahl of Sports Illustrated highlights these dangers in his interview of U.S....
March 3, 2015

Atheists, Abraham, and Isaac

Introduction Sometimes atheists love the Bible: at least portions of the Bible that fit their narrative. One particular portion that New Atheists1 love is the account of Abraham’s willingness to...
May 6, 2014

Here is Love

As a followup to Sunday’s Message “God is Love,” here is a great hymn text to consider. It was written by William Rees: Here is love, vast as the ocean,...
February 26, 2014

Movie Review!

Tim Challies recently gave some excellent thoughts about the upcoming release of the movie “The Son of God.” I encourage you to read them! I can tell you that I...