Church Members Showing Family Love for Other Members

David Stertz
December 5, 2013

Over the next couple of weeks I am going to post 100 ways in which church members can show family love for one another as a followup to last Sunday’s Sermon. This list is not meant to be exhaustive. Rather, you should see it as a jumpstart for your thinking on how we at Sunrise can demonstrate our status as Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

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The start of our list focuses on 15 ways in which we can show family love while at church. Have more on ways to show love at church? I would love to see them on ourFacebook page.

1. Attend all the services you can – you will limit your expression of love in countless ways if you don’t show up or you don’t know who you are looking at when you do (Hebrews 10:25)!

2. Go out of your way to greet people that you do not know very well.

3. Give warm handshakes if you are a man and caring hugs if you are a lady (1 Thessalonians 5:26).

4. Pray, before the service begins, that God would work in your heart and in the hearts of all the people in the church.

5. Volunteer to serve in the nursery, as an usher, or in jr. church so that more people get to regularly enjoy the blessing of the gathering of the saints.

6. Don’t just sit in the chair and leave – talk to people at church! (Hebrews 10:24).

7. Learn to listen for prayer requests from the people you speak with before and after church.

8. Follow up with people on the matters you have prayed about.

9. Focus your attention on the singing, preaching, prayers, ect. . . of the church service. There is plenty of time to gab before and after the service.

10. Sing out during the song service. You and the people around you will be blessed (Col 3:16).

11. Tell someone after the service how God worked in your heart as a result of the preaching, singing, prayers, ect. . .

12. After telling someone how God has worked in your heart, ask how God has been working in theirs.

13. Be on time so you are not a distraction coming in after the service has started.

14. Turn of things like email, texting, ect. . . so that you and the people around you are not distracted from the ministry of the service.

15. View the church services as a place to be served and to serve others.
