Think on These Things

David Stertz
May 27, 2013

When Paul writes Philippians 4:8, he teaches the Philippians to dwell on things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, and of good report. The “things” that Paul has in mind are likely issues of culture and of life outside the church. In other words, Paul is telling the Corinthians to judge rightly the issues that arise in our day to day lives that exist in the world we live in. We are to receive and dwell on those things that we judge to be true, noble, just, ect. . .

On this day, Memorial Day, we as a country set aside time to think about noble and just actions. We honor and praise those who have died in serving all of us who live in the great country we call home – America.

Few things can be called as noble as a man or woman sacrificing their life for fellow citizens. This kind of sacrifice is pure and of good report. It is worthy of our mediation and consideration as Christians. In doing so, we not only honor those who have fallen, we also teach ourselves and our coming generations of what true bravery, courage, nobility, and justice look like.

On this Memorial day, take time as a Christian to consider the brave men and women who have given their all for our safety and good. Teach their stories to your children and grandchildren. As you do so, you fulfill Philippians 4:8.
