Through the Bible – 2021

David Stertz
January 29, 2021

For a little over five years I have been listening, on a regular basis, to audio books. More specifically, I’ve listened to about 50 of them. Many of them have been quite long. I would guess, off the top of my head, that they averaged about 25 hours in length (for those counting, that means a lot of them were very long!).

I have come to really enjoy the format. I find that I can focus on most of them quite well when I am engaging in various tasks.

This year, I have decided to add a new audio book to my list: the Bible. I have listened to portions of the Scriptures in the past, but never embarked on listening to the whole Bible. My aim is to change that this year. I am doing so by listening daily to Crossway’s “ESV: Through the Bible in a Year” podcast (see links below). It’s free, read clearly, and takes about 12-20 minutes each day to have the whole Bible read to you over a year. I am now nearly a month into it, and I want to tell you that I have loved it!

Of course reading God’s Word is a precious privilege. I still do that on a regular basis. However, having someone else read the Scripture to you provides another way to hide God’s Word in your heart. When hearing someone read the Scripture you catch new emphases from their vocal inflections, pace, and cadence. 

If you are someone who struggles with daily Bible reading or you want to try a new way to read through the Bible in a year, check it out! You can start today and don’t need to catch up since you will come back around to the earlier readings in 2022. 

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